Soppu bele Palya
Where am I these days... well after moving to a new house in the suburbs life is thrown out of gear. We are settling down and the last thing I have time for it to take pictures of the food I cook....
View ArticleMalai Mushroom
I was once in love with Mushrooms, back then it was a rarity, something the local HOPCOMS sold seasonally in smalls packets that were rather expensive. But then as time went by, mushrooms became more...
View ArticleMIxed Veg
North Indian summers are brutal. So brutal that most vegetables disappear from the markets. During my years in Delhi, summers was a pain. A vegetable lover like me could hardly stop dreaming about...
View ArticleTomato Bhaath- Ajji style
To me food is not just about cooking and eating. To me it is also about people, people that love me, the people I love, the people I loved and lost. Food is about memories, the way I saw the world...
View ArticleBalekayi Gojju / Plantain Gojju
There was a time when I was way younger, every festive feast, like wedding, house warming, naming ceremony etc used to feature Balekayi Gojju and/or pineapple Gojju. It took me a while to realize that...
View ArticleNimbe Uppinakayi lemon pickles
I ran out of homemade pickles a few weeks back. Sunny boy being so particular about pickles, I had to make a fresh batch. While shopping at Target stores, I found this Anchor Hocking Half Gallon...
View ArticleVegetable Soup
It is election time in India. I love elections, somehow the curiosity of who is going to be our next leader and the hope that someone will do a difference for the better gives me a high that nothing...
View ArticleOggarane Anna with a twist
Which is the most entertaining event in India? is it the soap operas? no; movies? no; IPL? no; Elections? Yes; We have "Shehezada", "Monkey", "Joker","Hitler","Mussolini","Idi Amin" and what not...It...
View ArticleNallikayi Chutney
This time the Loksabha elections are like nothing we have seen before. The slander, bitter war of words and lack of a meaningful debate on issues that matter is actually so frustrating. Is this the...
View ArticleBoondi Laadu
Finally the dust settled over the elections, we have a new Prime Minister and hope of a new dawn. All that needs to be is seen is how far the promises are kept and manifesto delivered. It is summer...
View ArticleBari Soppina Saaru
I love regional Indian cuisine. The robust Punjabi dishes, the refined and elegant Awadhi dishes, the rich and royal Hydrabadi, the elaborate Chettinadu cuisine, all of them are my favorites. My own...
View ArticleCanada Diary
This past week we were in Canada on a vacation. Since we did not have time to plan ahead, we decided on a rather impromptu road trip. Day 1: We started from Princeton well past 11 AM and after a quick...
View ArticleUppsaaru
I have always believed that simplicity is the USP of Kannada cuisine which augers well for busy time constrained modern life. We have no time to cook elaborate meals now, looks like our ancestors did...
View ArticleOmelette
There are few recipes I end up repeating many times a week. It is rather curious that I have never posted a few of those oft repeated recipes at all. Is it a case of familiarity breeds contempt? could...
View ArticleJalebi Revisited
It is my favorite time of the year! Sravana is here and the season of eating has begin. We celebrated Varamahalaxmi habba last Friday. Looking forward for Janmashtami this Weekend and Gowri-Ganesh...
View ArticleTondekayi Flaxseeds fry
Typically I do not buy into food fads. I sort of always rely on age old wisdom than the pop-researches published by glossy magazines. That is the reason flax seeds never charmed me till now. I finally...
View ArticleUddina Kaalu Tovve /Kaali daal/Maa ki dal
When I read about people protesting globalization at WTO and other events I smile! They do have legitimate concerns, agreed and their concerns need to be addressed too. But the militant types really...
View ArticleKhoa Kobari Peda
Sunny boy started school today. My little baby rode on the school bus all by himself, I mean neither me nor Honey were with him. It was a mixed feeling. A was going through a gamut of emotions. My...
View ArticleSeekarane / Sweetened Hung Yogurt
I love Krishna, as they say, he is my 'Istha Deiva'. He might have been a historical person, a power broker, an astute politician we probably will never know. But to me he is that cherubic little kid...
View ArticlePine nut Peda
As I have mentioned many a times in my previous posts, this is my favorite time of the year. No wonder I go crazy on and off starting the month of Sravana all the way up to Diwali to New year. (That...
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